Issue 4, December 2020
- What Kind of Education in Postdigital and Viral Modernity? (Editorial) Klara Skubic Ermenc and Nina Breznikar
- Distance Learning – A Missed Opportunity Zdenko Medveš
- The Policy of Schooling and Education During a Pandemic Robi Kroflič
- Education During a Pandemic: Distance Education Zdenko Kodelja
- "My Mom Thanks You and Sends Her Regards as Well" – Pedagogical Process and Migrant Students During the COVID-19 Janja Žmavc, Sabina Autor and Alenka Gril
- Primary and Upper-Secondary School Teachers and School Counselors in the Initial Period of Distance Learning Due to the COVID-19 Epidemic Živa Krajnc, Adelisa Huskić, Zala Kokol, Tina Kos and Katja Košir
- Scenarios of School Everyday Life During the Epidemic From the Perspective of Children Tanja Oblak Črnič
- Discourse of Crisis, COVID-19 Pandemic and Adult Education Borut Mikulec
- Distance Learning – Jump and Swim Katarina Vinšek
- Experience With Distance Education in the 1st Grade of Primary School Mojca Žugič Perić
- Distance Learning – a Piece of Cake for Me and for Third Graders Nives Žirovnik
- The Postdigital Challenge of Pandemic Education Petar Jandrić
- Covid-19: A Ray of Lightning for Comparative and International Education? Charl Wolhuter
- Keeping Preschools Open During Covid-19: The Employees’ Perspective Kristín Dýrfjörð and Anna Elísa Hreiðrasdóttir
- Response to (Professional) Solutions Upon the Return of the Children in Kindergartens (Open Letter) Andreja Hočevar and co-signatories
- What Needs to Be Ensured in Order for the Assessment of Knowledge During Distance Learning to Be Professionally Legitimate? (Open Letter) Damijan Štefanc, Danijela Makovec Radovan, Jana Kalin, Jasna Mažgon, Klara Skubic Ermenc and Barbara Šteh