Issue 4, December 2014
- Editorial dr. Majda Cencič and dr. Justina Erčulj
- Educational Leaders as Change Agents in System Development: The Austrian Leadership Academy s: dr. Michael Schratz and dr. Wilfried Schley
- Uncovering Policy Response: Primary School Principals in the Netherlands and the Professions in Education Act Janine Smit, dr. Carl Bagley and dr. Sophie Ward
- How can we understand educational leadership for equity and learning? dr. Jacky Lumby
- Leading educational institutions and its impact on teachers' creativity s: dr. Majda Cencič and dr. Tina Štemberger
- Leadership for learning: the role of Head teachers in the professional development of teachers dr. Justina Erčulj
- Becoming a data-wise school leader: Developing leadership capacity for data-informed school improvement dr. Eric Verbiest et al.
- Self-evaluation of school informatisation s: mag. Borut Čampelj, mag. Nives Kreuh, dr. Vladislav Rajkovič and dr. Eva Jereb
- Book review dr. Klara Skubic Ermenc