Issue 1, March 2019
- Editorial Damijan Štefanc
- The role of the pedagogue as a school counsellor in the educational iInstitution Petra Gregorčič Mrvar and Metod Resman
- Competences of school pedagogues for school counselling Mateja Ozvaldič
- The challenges of pedagogy by introducing inclusiveness into the school system Irena Lesar
- A pedagogue’s role in collaborating with the class teacher and the class community Jana Kalin
- Conditions for the further development of the profession of the school pedagogue in Croatia Stjepan Staničić
- Educational specialists and european dimension in education in Croatia Marko Turk and Jasminka Ledić
- School counselling service, school pedagogue and the implementation of the concepts for recognizing the gifted and talented students and educational work with them Tanja Bezić
- [Slovensko] Izjava za javnost ob aktualnih polemikah o stanju in rešitvah na področju osnovnošolskega izobraževanja: Do kakovostne šole vodijo strokovno dobro premišljene rešitve Klara Skubic Ermenc, Nives Ličen, Roman Kuhar, Igor Ž. Žagar, Edvard Protner and Metka Zorec in Robi Kroflič
- [Slovensko] Izjava o izjavi Zdenko Kodelja
- [Slovensko] Dr. Milanu Adamiču v spomin Zdenko Medveš
- Different bodies: Normality and embodiments of disability and gender Julia Ganterer and Rahel More
- The foreign language teacher’s role in ICT-supported instruction Saša Podgoršek and Andreja Istenič Starčič and Brigita Kacjan
- Life reform and reform pedagogy in Hungary András Németh and Andrea Nagy
- Creativity encouragement strategies at early age Aleksandar Stojanović and Jelena Prtljaga and Aleksandra Gojkov-Rajić