Overview of Certain Basic Starting Points of Assessment in Sports Classes with Cases of Various Criteria and Descriptors Dr. Matej Majerič, dr. Janko Strel and dr. Marjeta Kovač
Summary: Sports education must develop and use its own assessment method since it is speci. c as the movement component is not expressed so strongly in any other subject. It is necessary to consider that in no other subject is the education process so integral and dependent on the development characteristics of an individual. Therefore, when assessing sports education one must distinguish between the physical abilities, physical skills (knowledge) and theoretical knowledge needed to understand sports activities. This requires a selection of the different forms and ways of examination, as well as the correct interpretation (of the results) of measurements and (grades of) assessment. We prepared an overview of certain basic starting points of assessment in sports classes, with cases of various criteria and descriptors. We found that in sports education the teacher will be able to achieve the purpose of assessment when they know and understand the speci.city of the subject, the development characteristics of the pupils, when they know how to select the correct ways of examination and assessment, and when they interpret the grades in such a way that the pupil understands their de.ciencies and how to overcome them with the teacher’s help. When assessing, the teacher must follow the standards of the curriculum and assess in different ways with regard to the differences in the contents. They must adjust the criteria and descriptors to the amount of hours dedicated to an individual thematic unit. They should pay particular attention to the formation of the .nal grade. Using this approach, the examination and assessment will help him in the planning and teaching of a better quality which will, in turn, result in greater knowledge of the pupils. Further, greater knowledge also signi. cantly in.uences the doing of sports in the child’s and adolescent’s leisure time, and especially their sports activity in subsequent periods of life.