Assessment in Programmes with a Competitive Concept
Dr. Janko Muršak

Summary:  The measurement of the effect of the education process and the criteria we set for this in turn in.uence the process. Consequently, it is only possible to expect changes in the work of education institutions if the criteria and procedures for measuring the effect and assessment are appropriately de.ned. Therefore, programmes with a competitive concept require the standardisation of competencies to the extent that the latter become measurable. The analyses presented show that the measurement and assessment of competencies is possible regardless of their de. nition, although not equally in all their dimensions, with a mere service or product not showing the appropriate level of development of the competence. The solutions in the new rules on knowledge assessment in secondary vocational education from 2007 try to follow the changes in the structure and composition of the programmes; however, it only goes half-way and does not give appropriate answers by introducing the term ‘did not achieve the minimal standard’ as replacement for a negative grade.

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