Programmed Instruction, Learning and Teaching Environment Matej Urbančič
Summary: The concept of programmed instruction, which emerged alongside various theories of learning and teaching in the ‘60s, has been over the next few decades transformed into a digital due to technological developments. During this period, there was an intense legitimation of technologisation, but at the same time, thanks to big data and the anticipation of the use of artificial intelligence in virtual environments, technology moved to the forefront of the conception of contemporary teaching. Technology is expanding the possibilities of individualisation and personalisation of instruction, portable devices with multiple sensors are moving instruction into all areas of exploration, mobility into different situations. Strmčnik was one of the first to analyse the possibilities of using information and communication technology in the classroom, noting that, despite the new possibilities, the teacher’s creativity must be expressed through his planning and execution of the instruction, through the whole of the teacher’s work. But in some views, the teacher is not necessarily a human. Modern learning environments can take over his role, a view shared by pioneers in the 1960s. The aim of the paper is to show that the basic idea of programmed instruction is conceptually related to the modern notion of a personal learning environment, and the thought developed in the paper, which follows Strmčnik’s writings and translates them into a new time, new periods of development, follows the question whether the concept of the learning environment should be turned in the direction of the instructional one.