How Intervention Training of Dislectic Students Can Impact Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Applied Special Education Teachers
Tanja Černe

Summary:  In the modern special education science and discipline at large, the recognition of self-regulated learning is gaining in importance. In addition to cognitive and motivational self-regulation, this type of learning includes the mastery and regulation of the metacognitive knowledge and strategies, responsible for better learning ability of dislectic students. Assuming that awareness strategies, applied by specialists, have impact on the successful teaching of dislectic students, our reasearch interest focused on self-awareness regarding application of metacognitive reading strategies by 29 special educational teachers, who offer additional assistance to dislectic students, i.e. before intervention training which took place during a period three months as well as in the period after it. Data was collected by using Mokhtari‘s and Reichard‘s questionnaire. Research results show that before interventional training special educational teachers most frequently resorted to problem solving strategies, while support reading strategies which are of importance when teaching dislectic students, were least popular. All reading strategy groups showed improvement after the training. Findings can lead to reflections on the meaning of more frequent application of metacognitve reading strategies by special educational teachers, certainly as for planning and conducting corrective-intervention-compensation trainings, at both individual and institutional levels as well as regarding pre-master and post-master programmes and future permanent professional development.

* Full text article is only available in Slovenian language.
Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies is
published with support of Slovenian Research Agency.