Slovenian Secondary Schools in Regionalized Environment Mag. Vinko Logaj and dr. Anita Trnavčevič
Summary: The purpose of the article is to analyse and critically illuminate the planned interventions into the conception to the university education. These interventions are reflected through already accepted and suggested legislation. The study is conceived as the qualitative analysis of strategic documents of the Republic of Slovenia (The Development Strategy of Slovenia, The Resolution of National Developmental Projects for the Period 2007-2023, The Frame of Economic and Social Reforms for Increasing the Welfare of Slovenia), which imply planned and already introduced changes. The contents of documents are analysed according to developmental priorities, planned big projects including the area of education, changes in school legislation and according to the anticipated transfer of competence to the lower level of management. Furthermore, they are critically presented with the existing researches, theoretical discussions and findings resulting from the analyses provided by marketized school policies in other countries. In the concluding discussion, there are findings about interventions and influences of the suggested regional and other legislation in secondary school education, which, adapting to the regional and the economic needs, can become an economic sub-system with the domination of market economy and capital power.