The characteristics of locomotor / sport activities and specifities in encouraging movement of pre-school children
Jera Zajec, dr. Mateja Videmšek, dr. Damir Karpljuk and dr. Jože Štihec

Summary:   The specificity of child’s development, going on integrally in all areas (body, locomotor, cognitive, emotional and social area) simultaneously, requires a systematic and harmonious approach to all above mentioned areas, since a change in one of them influences changes in all the other areas. In the locomotor area, the above mentioned integrity and specificity of development is reflected in locomotor skills as well as in differences between boys and girls. The article points out the mentioned problem, denoting some potential solutions, such as including and connecting pre-school teachers, parents and sport pedagogues.

* Full text article is only available in Slovenian language.
Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies is
published with support of Slovenian Research Agency.