The Epistemology Of Radical Pedagogics And Cultural Capital For The 21st Century
Dr. Marta Gregorčič

Summary:  The text represents the most important policies of national and global strategies for educational systems in the 21st century. Modern strategies with new provisions are increasingly taking learners from the social, collective and mutual process. Learners are conducted according to the neoliberal tendencies which introduce fragmental, partial knowledge into education, they are educated for technocracy, management and market while practice and everyday life are abolished and urgent theoretical re.exions are prevented. In this way, they truncate quality, width, entirety, criticism and creativity of knowledge for all participants in learning process. The author proves that the degradation of human potentials is restored with the withdrawing of the four basic elements from education: politicking, epistemological curiosity, collective activity and immanence of con. ict. With the systematic criticism of modern education and of global developmental and economic policies, she proves that we rejected the already created cultural capital which was built through the centuries of philosophy, theory and practice. With the thorough presentation of the most important sociologists and humanists from the 19th and the 20th century, she re-actualizes the meaning and the reach of radical pedagogics. To recognise the positive potentials of already created cultural capital, the author depicts the epistemology of pedagogics which was established at »the bottom« and remained on »the social margins«. As the two most important authors who integrated emancipatory potentials into the pedagogical theory and practice, she ranges Paulo Freire and Joseph Jacotot. Through their work and the wealth of heritage of radical pedagogics, she indicates the basic elements of creative education, which are emancipatory for pedagogics and also for societies and/or communities.

* Full text article is only available in Slovenian language.
Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies is
published with support of Slovenian Research Agency.