A Class Teacher – Insuficient Representation Of Male Sex
Bojan Jeraj

Summary:  The men who decide to study class teaching are scarce. Moreover, the number of employed men class teacher is decreasing. The article presents shorter reviews of the sex structure of class teachers nowadays in our country and abroad, as well as some opinions of laic and professional public about the men who decide to be teachers. In the article, there are presented different views of »the problem« – the lack of men class teachers. A different population was included into the research. According to the opinion of the participants, more men should teach in primary classes. The importance of a more balanced sex structure of teachers is grounded from the point of view of child´s needs and school collective´s needs. The main counter-motives, explaining why so few men decide to be a teacher by profession, are generally accepted social opinion that work with little children is more suitable for women and that it is therefore a women´s job, underestimation and bad profession status in the society, bad financial evaluation of teacher´s work, as well as few possibilities of promotion and reward in this profession. According to their opinion, these are the things which should be changed if we wanted this profession to become a more attractive professional choice for men. For all that, the Faculty of Education should play an important part. Motivating secondary school students for the choice of pedagogical study should be set as one of their preferential tasks.

* Full text article is only available in Slovenian language.
Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies is
published with support of Slovenian Research Agency.