Human Rights Education in Kosovo High Schools
Linda Abazi-Morina

Summary:  The Kosovo education system addresses human rights issues mainly through the subject of civic education. Taught at different levels, courses aim to prepare students to become active citizens. The content of civic education in high schools is intended to help students understand the rights and responsibilities of individuals in society, as well as the nature and functioning of democracy, and develop critical thinking skills. The current syllabuses and textbooks for civic education for upper secondary education provide a good basis for addressing human rights issues. In the present study, a review of subject curricula and programme teaching was conducted for the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades. This was followed with an in-depth analysis of the textbooks in civic education for these grades from a human rights education perspective. A thorough analysis of the textbooks shows that elements of human rights education are covered in civic education content; however, the information provided usually does not go beyond giving theoretical background on the concepts, and limited country-specific information and case studies on the past and present are provided regarding human rights issues. As a country that has experienced war, textbooks on civic education in Kosovo should also reflect upon it. This would contribute to a smoother process in transitional justice in the long term.

Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies is
published with support of Slovenian Research Agency.