Meta-analysis of Peer Violence: Family and Peers as the Factors that Induce Violent Behaviour
Jelena Maksimović and Dragana Dimitrijević

Summary:  Peer violence is an issue that is widely manifested and investigated around the world. This study uses meta-analysis to investigate the problem of peer violence, with the purpose of systematising the data regarding family and peers as the factors that have a significant impact on the expression of violent behaviour. An analysis of 43 primary studies was used to determine the final sample consisting of 10 studies that were in accordance with the stated criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. All the studies are quantitative in character, realised on the basis of primary school children’s self-assessment. The total sample from all 10 studies is 10,500 respondents. The average pondered correlation is 0.4914 and can be described as moderate. The meta-analysis results show that family and peers are the factors that have a significant influence on violent behaviour and that the negative influence of peers is more striking when an individual lacks family warmth or supervision. The obtained results prove that family has significant effects on an individual’s behaviour and indicate that violence prevention programmes should be directed towards family and creating positive relationships between family members, which will ultimately reduce the negative influence of peers.

Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies is
published with support of Slovenian Research Agency.