Self-Evaluation in Slovenian Elementary Schools Nina Breznikar
Summary: The article begins by discussing key definitions of evaluation and self-evaluation by established authors at the Slovenian and international levels, and describing the factors that have globally contributed to self-evaluation in particular becoming an increasingly important integral part of evaluation processes and efforts in education. Text includes a presentation of the developments in Slovenia in the early 1990s, which gradually paved the way to an enhanced professional autonomy of teachers in planning and conducting learning activities, resulting in an increasing need for quality (self-)evaluation of educational institutions. In Slovenia, the latter has been developed and implemented mostly through various projects, but due to a lack of a common methodological and conceptual framework and corresponding legislative solutions, these have led to a fragmentation in educational practice. The second part of the text presents the results of a quantitative analysis aimed at establishing how selected primary schools in Slovenia conduct self-evaluation. Major differences are identified in the understanding and complexity of performing self-evaluation among the schools included in the research. It is concluded that one of the underlying reasons is an insufficient regulation of this area at the national level.