Achievements and contradictions in the development of schooling and pedagogy in socialist Macedonia (1945-1990) dr. Suzana Miovska-Spaseva
Summary: The period of the forty-five years of the development of education in socialist Macedonia has a significant place and great importance in the history of Macedonian schools and education. In just a few years after the end of World War II, the foundations of the national system of education were established, and it continued to develop intensively within the unified system of Federal Yugoslavia until the independence of Macedonia in 1991. Its ideological basis was Marxist scientific theory which determined the objectives, principles and content of educational work at all levels of schooling. This article explores the characteristics of the development of education and pedagogy in Macedonian socialist society. The analysis is focused on the successes that were achieved, but also the limitations and contradictions of the systemic reform activities that were undertaken in education during that period. The research is based on the original documents with which the educational policy and practice in the former socialist republic were built. They are used to discuss the basic principles of the Marxist pedagogy that developed in Yugoslavia, as well as elements of other educational theories that influenced the conceptual set-up, organization and teaching methodology of the socialist schools in Macedonia