Differences in students’ achievements prior to entry and at the end of gimnazija and other upper secondary educational programs Darko Zupanc
Summary: In the case of Slovenia, at the transition from elementary school prior to entry to different upper secondary educational programs, there are significant differences in achievements in mother tongue, mathematics and science (biology). There are differences in the Matura results between the various upper secondary school (Gimnazija) programs; both in overall achievements, as well as the achievements in various subjects. The differentiation of students through their academic achievements in their mother tongue, math and biology starts with enrolment in various programs in secondary schools. The differentiation in achievements at the end of primary education is strong between the various Gimnazija programs, which end with the general Matura. For enrolment in the programs which end with a vocational Matura or final exam in vocational education, the differentiation is even stronger. Professionally oriented Gimnazija, particularly those oriented towards economics, represent the weak element of Gimnazija programs. In professionally oriented and some artistic Gimnazija programs there are less successful students in their mother tongue, math and biology, who may also be enrolled in all areas of university study. Even greater differences in achievement in their mother tongue, math and biology by comparison with Gimnazija students, were present at the enrolment of vocational Matura students to university studies. In a short period of time Slovenia has undergone significant structural shifts in entering different types and levels of education - continuing primary education; these shifts are evident in both the percentages of the annual cohort and in national assessment achievements of entrants. The solutions cannot avoid confrontations with these problems.