The dichotomy in the value of social capital: Strengthening the Individualistic or community-oriented school?
Nataša Zrim Martinjak

Summary:  This paper focuses on the dichotomous value of social capital and attempts to analyse its potential and limitations in the school context. It starts from the thesis that the nature of the value of social capital, which can be social or instrumental, determines the manifestations of social behaviour in school. The analysis shows that the underlying theories of social capital have contributed to weighting social capital with an instrumental value. Social behaviour in this context is primarily a direct and calculable investment in social relationships. The instrumentalized view of the benefits of social capital in schools supports and shapes individualistic individuals rather than promoting community orientation, altruism, and humanity. To support the latter, community building should be considered and integrated into school activities as much as possible. The dichotomy of the value of social capital highlights the diversity of its effects on both individuals and communities, provides an opportunity for further critical thinking about didactic approaches to its promotion in school, and contributes a new perspective to understanding social behaviour.

Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies is
published with support of Slovenian Research Agency.