Global Justice, Globalisation And Education Dr. Zdenko Kodelja
Summary: One of the challenges brought by globalisation is also the question how to name justice on the global level. The basic dilemma is if we should understand it as the expansion of the principles of social justice to the whole humanity or as the practice of completely different principles of justice from those which are set up for realization of the principles of justice on the national level. Although the answers to these questions are different, there is a wide spread consensus that between the conditions for global justice, there is also the duty to respect human rights all over the world. This is also valid for the right to education, which is violated to many people in many places. Since the possibilities of education are essential to ensure the same possibilities and since without the equality of possibilities, there is no social justice, it is evident that in the world where we live, there are big injustices. Hence, it follows that the improvement of educational possibilities on the global level is the urgent condition for bigger global justice.