The role of parents in children’s educational trajectories in Slovenia dr. Mirjana Ule
Summary: The article will analyse the attitude towards education, level and forms of parental involvement in schoolwork, and educational trajectories of children in Slovenia. The article is based on empirical data, which we have obtained with the help of quantitative and qualitative research with parents, children, and teachers in the framework of the project Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe. The project is focused on the educational period between the end of the lower secondary education and transitions to the upper secondary level of education. We have found that parents in Slovenia, also in comparison with the European context, are very involved in the educational trajectories, as well as with the schoolwork of their children. They have high educational aspirations, which have apparently been internalized by their children, too. Since parental involvement in schoolwork and educational trajectories is so significant, it represents a new factor of social differentiation of children. Furthermore, it covertly sanctions those parents and children who do not know how, or are unable, to create a supportive family atmosphere.